Cubisio: Smart City

System description

Cubisio: Smart City - the beginning of the path to creating full digital management, where the latest technologies will turn the urban environment into a flexible canvas with the finest detail.

Cubisio: Smart City

Main characteristics

Smart street lighting

The digital system provides real-time monitoring of all lighting units in the city, enabling the tracking of the degree of illumination and the need for replacement.

Smart housing and communal services

All aspects of housing and communal services are connected into a single structure that is managed from one screen.

As a result, the risk of communication failures, accidents, and emergencies is greatly reduced.

Control of manhole covers and garbage bins 

All manhole covers in the city are displayed on a digital map with corresponding data for monitoring.

Indicators of filling level display the status of each bin, while the map shows the entire network and allows for easy visualization of the rationality of the installation plan.

Smart parking

The system displays all available parking spaces in the city in real-time and provides information readily accessible to drivers.

Cubisio: Smart City

Smart street lighting

The possibility of intelligent management of each device individually, providing human-friendly lighting for city streets with minimal resource costs.


  - All lighting elements are integrated into one system and accessible from a common map. You can see what is currently lit and what requires replacement;

  - The lighting situation is displayed in a highly visual manner, making it easy to identify weak spots in street lighting as well as excessive lighting fixtures;


  - Electricity is not wasted, and it becomes easier and more precise to regulate lighting according to seasonal needs, based on real-time requirements and overall picture;

Cubisio: Smart City

Smart housing and communal services

The risk of communication failures, accidents, and emergencies is greatly reduced, ensuring a comfortable and safe living environment for city residents even in times of disasters.


  - All fragmented parts of housing and communal services are consolidated into a unified system for clear and convenient management;

  - Communications are monitored by sensors and software, allowing any potential danger to be detected in advance and preventing emergencies;


  - Resource calculation, consumption, and quality are put under strict and precise control of meters and smart software;

  - The work of specialists is strictly accounted for, and the allocation of material and human resources is carried out in an economic, rational, and planned manner.

Cubisio: Smart City

Control of manhole covers

The situation where a manhole cover is left open is eliminated in digital management.


  - It is impossible to completely eliminate the situation where all manhole covers in the city are always closed;

  - That is correct. It is necessary to have direct monitoring of the manhole covers or assign a responsible person to ensure they are always properly closed.


  - It is much better and more efficient to have a specialized system in place to monitor this;

  - Manhole covers are equipped with special sensors that transmit data about whether the cover is closed or open.

Then the system displays all of the manhole covers on a map on the dashboard and sends an alert if any of them are open.

    Cubisio: Smart City

    Control of garbage bins

    A clean city without garbage and savings in funds for its removal is a reality if you have a digital map of the city and reliable, accurate data on its needs.


      - Garbage does not accumulate around the bins, littering the streets and yards, because the amount of garbage varies from day to day, and there are days when there is too much of it;

      - Accurate mapping allows for rationalization of the location of containers, providing each district with the necessary amount of containers.


      - Special indicators are attached to the garbage containers, marking their fullness and displaying the data on the digital map;

      - Garbage bins are emptied only when they are full, and the trucks do not drive in vain for half-filled bins.

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